
Sunday 26 August 2018


Life is made up of little moments, which then become memories.

Experiences, people, places, things, life’s ultimately a movie of memories! Isn’t it?

and these memories can be about anything/ anyone!

Memories are mostly enjoyable, positive life experiences.

Memories of playing with childhood friends, memories of a simple yet special family trip, memories of the times during college and so much more!

Some of us even have sweet memories with our pets.

Nowadays, many of us also have memories with our smart devices as well!

Music and memories!

A song can be just an ordinary, normal song for one person, while for another it can relive an experience, can remind of a person.

Songs have the ability to make you time travel with your friends, with your special someone or maybe with yourself as well!

Music can convey emotions unlike any other!

People and memories have a very common yet complex connection.

For memories are ultimately formed because of/around/with people!

People enter and exit our life. What they leave with us are the memories. These are the real treasures which they gift us.

and despite all this, as life moves onward, we forget most of the people and their memories.

the ones whom we remember are because of their positive presence.

and such people we should cherish and never forget/let go.


You only need the light when it's burning low, only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

Only know you love her when you let her go

Isn’t this true?

Whether it be our special someone or the people whom we really know, we don’t know how much time we’ve with them.

Therefore, never take the people you dearly love for granted, appreciate them, thank them, create good memories and let the love flow!

Sunday 19 August 2018

I am sorry. Are these just words or something more?

Hello friends, welcome.
Today, an odd question popped up in my mind.
How often do we use the word *Sorry* in our daily routines?
From spilling a drop of Tea/coffee on the table to
being late for meeting a person,
This sorry enables us to
ask for forgiveness to whatever we might have done by mistake.
But is sorry really just a word?
In my opinion, it’s something much more.
When we have quarreled with a person,
And after sometime when we realize our mistake,
We generally meet the person and say sorry if it’s our fault.
When we say I am sorry,
not only we try to cool things down around the argument,
but also we knowingly or unknowingly make the relations
more strong between the person and ourselves.
Because if
by saying Thank you we start building new relations and gratifying the old ones.
Then, I believe by saying Sorry, we ensure those relations.
Because sometimes, saying sorry is more difficult than forgiving.
I think that if the other side feels sorry genuinely,
We should have the heart to forgive.
The person in question who has said sorry or who is wronged because of you and if you don’t feel sorry about your wrongdoing or if you don’t forgive him/her.
Just because of your ego.
And if by some reason the person in question dies
There is nothing you can do except regretting.
So let’s say sorry to all those people for all our big and small mistakes or
 if we have hurt them in any way and
forgive all those people who have wronged us and let’s  all live happily.

Wednesday 15 August 2018

The 10 positives of India, which everyone should be proud of!

Should we as Indians remember our India, suddenly feel proud to be an Indian
Only during the republic day/the Independence Day?
Namaste friends. Welcome!
Friends, everything in this world has 2 sides. Negative and positive.😊
So today I thought,
Let’s tell my friends 10 positive things about my country, India!
Many of the things which I’m going to share here,
Will be pleasant, positive surprises for you.
Or you might already know about a few of them! 😲
So! Let's begin!

1.      Amazing diversity
Yes friends, we Indians have a wide variety in every aspect of our life.
From Languages, regions, festivals to almost everything,
We live life in so many ways!
2.      Food.
Yes my friends, Food!
If nothing else, we should always be proud about our vastly different  types of foods!
The many and innovative ways of making each food item and
That too with a mix of regional flavor to it makes Indian food one of the best in the world!
3.      Family.
In my opinion, our family is the first and the most certain ocean of love for us.
4.      Respect for elders and the society.
Not only with the elders in the family,
But also normally most of the Indians behave quite respectfully with the people in general.
5.       Indians are excellent listeners. While Americans and the Europeans are known as well-read,
Here in India more preference is given to listening.
6.      Music and dance! From rock/Dj, folk music to the melodious tunes,
Indians can listen to, play and perform everything!
7.     Traveling. Whether it be Trekking, rafting, or anything else, you are sure to find your favorite match!
8.      Culture. The wonderful ways in which people live here are simply awesome.
9.      One of the most ancient civilizations. Spices, Ayurveda, Yoga and Mathematics
Are some of the treasures India has gifted to the world.
10.  Our strong and unique Indian armed forces. From the skin- freezing temperatures of the siachen glacier to the scorching deserts of Rajasthan,
Every Indian must always be thankful and proud of these bravehearts because of whom
We all are continuing to experience the independence which was due to the sacrifices and blessings of the countless freedom-fighters.
Will you also give your inputs to take this number higher than ten?
What are those things about India which you find positive?
I will be curious to know your list of positives of India in the comments!
🇮🇳वन्दे मातरम Vande Mataram !

Sunday 5 August 2018

That one friend.

Hello friends! What’s up?
Wishing everyone a joyful friendship day!
Most of us have lots of friends,
While some have very few whom they can call as friends.
However between these 2 types of people,
there’s one similarity.
We all have one person in our life whom we love above everybody else.
That one friend, knows every little thing about us.
He/she knows even those amazingly positive aspects of our life,
which perhaps we ourselves never knew about.
With that one person we share our life without any tension or hesitation.
And that person could be anyone!
It can be our parents, our brother/sister, wife, or of course a friend!
It can also be someone whom we meet when we are traveling somewhere!
Whoever that person might be,
We should never hurt their feelings.
Because when we harm that one friend emotionally,
There’s no doctor who can remedy it.
People, do you have such a friend?
Because we need that one friend, in today’s short and stressful life.
If you have that one friend already,
My best of friendships to you!