
Monday 24 January 2022

The healthy festival of togetherness!

Almost a month has past.

The cool,

fresh air has now turned into a frosty atmosphere... The skin of the hands, feet and the face is slowly becoming ruff and dry… the trees have also started shedding their leaves,

looking as if they have no clothes to protect themselves from the cold and dry atmosphere.

The days become short in duration while nights are quite long.

This is called winter or the shishir rutu/शिशिर ऋतु.

According to astronomy

it is winter when the sun is in Capricorn / Aquarius.


According to Ayurveda, January and February are the months of winter

In the orbital motion of the earth during this time,

The southern side of the earth moves away from the sun and

The northern part of the earth starts coming nearer to the sun, also known as uttarayan.

This being said,

The northern side of the earth is still too far away from the sun to have any noticeable effect.

There for, part of the northern hemisphere such as India continues to experience the chilly weather.

Just like we have the joyous celebrations of Diwali or Kojagari Paurnima,

In order to guard against this cold and dry atmosphere during this time of the year,

There is the festival of brightness and warmth, Makar Sankranti!


As the til / sesame

provides warmth and Gul / Jaggery softens the skin,

To protect our skin from becoming ruff and dry,

The nutritious and healing combination of Til and gul/Tilgul or तिळगूळ is consumed!

To keep the skin warm and soft throughout the winter,

The sesame oil is also used for a body massage, also known as abhyanga / अभ्यंग.

Along with these healthy effects,

Some positive changes also take place during this festival!

The duration of the day starts to increase yet again and the nights start becoming much shorter in comparison.

Just like our skin, in order to warm the human mind with love and the unified feeling of togetherness,

the message of being kind to and polite with everyone is shared through the gift of Tilgul! 

Monday 10 January 2022


Today was a very important day for him. He had been preparing and excitedly waiting for this day since a long time.

It could be perhaps today, he so hoped, that he might get a much-desired promotion. The last few weeks had really been quite challenging but enjoyable at the same time. He had researched a lot for his presentation to be the best.

The first thought which came to his mind as the beautiful sunrise greeted him,

Was to go through everything once more, for one last time.

As usual, he pressed the button to turn on his laptop and… The screen went completely black before his eyes….

Often, life surprises us in ways which we would have never imagined even in our dreams. Some situations present themselves in such a form,

That our brain takes a long time, just to realize what is going on.

Most of the times, the immediate human instinct is to spontaneously react and solve them or get out of them as quickly as possible.

And not only do situations suddenly shock us, but the people around us as well!

We say something casually to our friends or family without any particular intentions.

And they get hurt without us even knowing!

However hard we might try to find the answer, we just can’t!

During such times, it’s best not to react or run away, but to patiently respond.

one of the ways to respond is to simply restart… Yes, just restart!

Experienced an unforeseen event? Your grand plans flopped? Remember that, now it’s the past. All that’s left to do is build up from the very bottom. Restart!

This method of restarting often works in the matter of relationships. Have you hurt someone unknowingly? Forgive and start afresh!

Be it the love for traveling or the passion to read,

The restart mode is a great trick to bring back those once cherished hobbies!

Every new sunrise teaches us this lesson. Be it the rain or storms, we always have the opption to restart.


And yes. His laptop too got fixed with a restart!

Are you Ready to restart?