
Sunday 17 April 2022

A much-desired and healthy infection!

Great! Very good! Nice. Awesome!

Words like these and many other similar expressions or better known as compliments,

Become the small celebrations of joy   that we all look forward to everyday. As life happens, these moments of appreciation drive our motivation. Isn’t it?

Be it a hard-working colleague delivering a presentation,

A small yet value-adding contribution to a discussion or even the cleaners who tidy your workstation,

Just by smilingly saying nice. You make the person’s day with that small yet sweet dose of appreciation!

Businesses, products and services are created, developed and run, ultimately by humans, for humans! So whenever you come across any product or experience that you really liked, it’s good to pay a compliment through a review or directly along with the price as well! What do you think?

Did you enjoy a movie that somebody invited you for? A simple comment like it was good to watch with you! Knowingly or unknowingly, really puts a smile on the person’s face and makes him/her feel valued/respected. Had a new/awesome experience with somebody/because of a recommendation? Conveying that person the same can be a good way to make a nice impression or even start/ strengthen a fruitful relation!

Often, acknowledging a person’s presence in your life, however small it might be, is what we all want, to feel loved.

Your mother cooks a regular dish and it tastes delicious! A one-word compliment such as, yummy! Makes all the effort she’s put in worth! Your sister’s dressed quite nicely today. That looks good on you. Can be an indirect way to express your brotherly affection!

Such small sayings can truly uplift your mood and those of the people around you as well!

If you feel too much awkward to praise someone, try doing it naturally during relaxed times.

However, when it comes to complimenting somebody, there’re several things which both the parties should keep in mind.

1. The receiver/the one who’s being appreciated.

Firstly, whatever work you’re doing/contribution you’re making for which you think you deserve to be appreciated,

Should have your own/some of your effort or should be your own and be liked and respected by you. This world disregards any activity which isn’t even valued by the doer!

Secondly, expecting from the wrong people! In most cases, through the behaviour of the other side, we come to know if the person/persons in question have the mindset of appreciating somebody or not. Getting praised also depends on if the person has that kind of expertise/experience in or with that activity which you’re hoping to be appreciated for.

In such kind of persons, there’s another category, which nowadays we know as trolls. These persons have nothing else to do than mock/criticize the efforts/contributions of others, usually without any particular reason or achievement anywhere to their credit whatsoever. Hence, hoping from such people and sometimes going into frustration because of such false expectations, is pure stupidity!

The internet and social media however, has resolved this kind of problem to some extent. Showcase your skills and knowledge and there are always going to be the right kind of takers and yes, haters as well!

Although social media runs on the dose of instant gratification via likes and comments, we’ve to remember that the internet’s a double-edged sword.

Thirdly, it’s important to stay grounded and never to take the appreciation you’re getting for granted.

2. The giver or the person/people who’re appreciating anyone/anything.

If you compliment someone and the person/ people in question don’t acknowledge/don’t have any gratitude towards you, it’s best to separate such people from your life rather than being angry because of these people and trouble your mental health.

Silence or few words are always better than complete criticism. Firstly, criticizing someone in public, especially in front of his/her family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances is  usually considered as socially inappropriate. If you must show them the ugly side of things, do it in person. This way, you preserve their respect and standing in the society. And, even if you criticize someone or something, mix the salt of criticism with a sugary pinch of positivity. For example. If somebody does something 90% correct and the mistake is 10% show them/talk about the good side first and then, encourage them by bringing to their notice the mistake and motivate them to do better the next time!

most important of all, appreciation should not be for personal gains. Praising somebody just because you’re seeing some kind of benefit for yourself or bootlicking, isn’t good at all!

what everyone's seeking is genuine appreciation!

let us all, develop and spread the habit of real appreciation! For I believe, it's a much desired and healthy infection which doesn’t require any vaccination!

I thank you and admire your patience and participation in this discussion. In the comments, you are most welcome to continue the conversation!


  1. Yes the acknowledgement and appreciation goes a long way in building relationship and connect. A simple thank you lights up someone's heart, a sweet smile brightens someone's day. Amazing thoughts nice read๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
